Frequently Asked Questions

Permanent Eyebrows Post Procedure

When will I be ready for a retouch?

Brows are generally retouched between 3-5 years. When your brows lose definition it’s time! It’s normal for the hair strokes to soften and fade over time.

How long will my brows last after a retouch? 

A retouch gives new life to your brows. You can expect another 3-5 years of enjoyment! 

Eyebrow Retouching

How will my eyebrows look like post-procedure?

After getting permanent eyebrows, it is normal to experience some minor swelling, redness, and tenderness around the treated area for the first 1-3 days. The color of the pigment may also appear darker than desired, but it will fade to a more natural shade over time. During this period, it is essential to keep the area clean and dry and avoid touching or scratching it. It is also advisable to avoid swimming, saunas, and heavy exercise for at least a week to prevent any possible complications.

Around 4-5 days post-treatment, you may notice some slight exfoliation of the eyebrows. This is a natural part of the healing process as the skin regenerates itself. It's important to resist the urge to pick or scratch at the area to avoid any potential scarring or complications.

There are numerous benefits of getting permanent eyebrows. They save time in the morning by eliminating the need to apply makeup every day. They also enhance the shape and definition of the eyebrows, making them appear fuller and more symmetrical. Additionally, they can help correct asymmetry caused by over-plucking or hair loss, and the results can last for years with proper care.

Eyebrow Scar Camouflage

Why don’t the hairs grow back in a scar? 

Most hair follicles can’t recover in the scar tissue because the roots have been permanently damaged. However, scars can be camouflaged with simulated hair strokes.

What is scar camouflage?

Scar camouflage is tattooing of the skin with custom mixed skin toned pigments. Its purpose is to blend and disguise a scar or skin area that is missing pigment or color.

It is a specialized area of permanent cosmetics that falls under the category of medical or paramedical tattooing. 

This service is considered a complex procedure, involving science behind pigments and the physiology of human tissue.  Advanced training, skills, and experience in permanent cosmetics as well as an artistic eye for color are a must.

Permanent Lip Liner and Color Treatment

Are lip scars treatable? 

Childhood incidents, accidents, and acne often lead to scarring of the lips. Scar tissue is unpredictable and may require multiple sessions.

Permanent Makeup/ Permanent Cosmetic Tattooing/ Permanent Lip Color is a great option for restoring the vermilion border (lip line).